Monday, November 20, 2006

Country Living in a Busy World by Jared Winston

There is very little that brings out a more peaceful feeling in a person’s heart than the beauty of the country. Whether it is sitting on the front porch with a glass of lemonade to watch the sunset or walking through a field of wildflowers that grew simply by the whim of nature, there is a beauty that can affect anyone. Country living is something that many people wish for. The problem, of course, is that not everyone has the opportunity to achieve that dream. Some people simply do not have the resources to make a move out to a rural area. Others work in fields that are incompatible with the rural lifestyle, or require living in a heavily populated area. Still others really do enjoy life in the city, but just want a little bit of time off now and again from the rush of the city. Well, for all these people, the good new is that you can infuse a little bit of country living into your every day life.

To many people that statement may seem at first to be a bit of a stretch. That is, most certainly, understandable. After all, one might say, country living, by its very definition, requires actually living in the country. In the strictest sense of the term, this is true. However, if you go a little deeper and really examine the rural lifestyle, you will find that there is far more to it than just where geographically you live. That knowledge is what it takes to allow you to add a touch of the country to your city life.

There are two basic principles that really embody the spirit of country living. All of these principles work together to bring about the sense of peace that so many people look for when they turn to the country. The first of these principles is peace through simplicity. Many societies around the world have discovered that simple is often better, and that complication usually leads to confusion. Your life can be made more peaceful by eliminating unnecessary distractions and complications. This can be as easy as simply clearing a few extra items off your schedule and taking more time to relax regularly.

The second principle of country living is peace through togetherness. Often, this works well with the first principle, as a simple life can give you more time to spend together. You will find that if you spend time with those you care about, such as family and friends, your life will almost certainly be better for it. People are not meant to function without each other. No man is an island, as the old saying goes, and this means that, even if you may not always notice it, your mind is naturally wired to be social. This, too, is an easy principle to apply. Regularly set aside time to be with your family and friends, such as eating dinner together, particularly if you have a family of your own. This will help to pass on the principles of country living to your children as well.

Copyright © Jared Winston, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

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